Sunday, November 21, 2010

How to be 16

  1. Don't be bothered to do things that won't give you back money, fun, ego or friends.
  2. stick with your social groups
  3. try to be like the person next to you
  4. if you're bold enough to stand out, try to annoy teacher, complain frequently, use swear words in daily basis, do things your parents might not want you to do, dress revealingly
  5. your friends are your life. don't let them go. always try to make up even if it is not your fault.
  6. but if your friend say bad stuff about you, and ruined your ego in front of your other friends, dump them, they're not worth it.
  7. nothing about school is cool. if someone ask you, say you dont like school. there is nothing interesting in a school, except for friends. complain about everything else.
  8. if you're a boy you have a choice of either being shy or arrogant. if your shy, stay in your social group, you would probably never gonna get a girlfriend, unless the girl ask you out. if you're arrogant, flirt.
  9. if you're a girl you have a choice of either be a good girl or bad. if you choose to be good, it must be because you have strict parents, or you want to be rich and famous someday. but for now, you must blend in with the crowd. never raise your hand, it makes you look arrogant, joined leadership program and other school position that will make you look good in your resume. you should consider boys as friends. that is until a perfect prince charming comes along. if you choose to be a bad girl, you should act like you don't care about everything (whether you really don't care or you do). refuse to do any school work unless you really have to. don't try to hard. if a boy makes a joke, laugh. if a boy make fun of a teacher, giggle. if they flirt, smile shyly. try to annoy teacher as much as possible, but try not to sass to much, leave that to the boys. your job is to be an admiring audience. you're aim in life should be to look good, feel good, and have a good time with your friends. leave everything else behind, they don't matter.
  10. look attractive. if you are really a rebel, do everything in order to look cool. even if some people won't consider you attractive, at least your friends think your brave and cool. if your a "good girl or boy" type, try to look nice and attractive without breaking any rules of society. don't try to stand out. wear "safe" clothes, clothes that are nice enough to be attractive but decent enough to not look weird.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very interesting ^^
you should spread your blog more so more people will read it.. i know lots of people will want to read it..